===> set the registry DB2_OPTPROFILE to YES.
Interestingly, this registry is not visible in the 'db2set -lr' output.
Once this is done, you are good to go. All the available 'guidelines' you have are available in a section of the online documentation called 'Current Optimization Schema', which is in XML format. For the example here, I'm going to use the guideline the 'easy way'.
Let's say we have a table M1 and M2, both with columns C1 and C2. We want to join them M1.C1 = M2.C1 using NL join. Let's jump straight into the usage:
SELECT <something>
M2 M2 JOIN M1 M1
ON ( M1.C1 = M2.C1)
Note that you start the guideline at the *end* of your statement with /*<OPTGUIDELINES>, and end the guidelines with </OPTGUIDELINES>*/. Anything in between these tags are your guidelins to the database. In this example, I instructed the database to use NL join for the join of table M1 and M2, using index scan (IXSCAN) for table M1, and table scan (TBSCAN) for table M2.
Personally, I use it to understand the WHAT-IF scenario if the execution plan changes in certain manner. This short-cut way to specify the guidelines makes testing very straightforward.